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Сouples and Singles: Cuckolds, Sexwifes
Сouples and Singles: Cuckolds, Sexwifes
Yewtree77, 41
Vilnius r.
Rimta simpatiška tvarkinga pora, ieško poros nuolatiniams susitikimams. Bendravimas g.b.lietuvių, lenkų, anglų, rusų kalbomis. Rašant mums, prašome pateikti informacija apie save- lūkeščius, pasiūlymus bei norus! Kad negaišti abipusio laiko, norime laiškų su nuotraukomis!
Serious nice neat partners, looking for a partners for permanent meetings. Communication in Lithuanian, Polish, English, Russian. When writing to us, please provide information about yourself - expectations, suggestions and wishes! In order not to waste mutual time, we want letters with photos!!
24.03.24 19:27
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