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Kalėdinis video konkursas 2024 🎥😍🎄
Gausūs prizai nugalėtojams 🏆🤑 Dalyvauti gali kiekvienas! Daugiau
Apie mane

As a couple we are not dating until mid-January 2025. The man is ready to meet with couples and women, write. I will be glad to see the pleasure of orgasms on your faces.

A married couple with a lot of experience is looking for. Athletic build, we prefer to meet with the same people, we do not consider people with excess weight. We will be glad to communicate with couples, girls and men. Meetings only if you have a certificate of absence of STDs no later than six months. Messages from profiles without photos are accepted only if they contain a photo in the first message. Continuation of communication only via telegram. Single men, be ready to organize a place for a meeting. New to Lithuania, so please excuse us, we do not speak Lithuanian yet. Thank you for reading to the end. Write "131" in the first message so we understand it.

  • Orientacija hetero
  • Šeiminė padėtis santuokoje
  • Kūno tipas sportiškas
  • Svoris, kg 80
  • Ūgis, cm 181
  • Partnerio svoris, kg 52
  • Partnerių ūgis, cm 169
  • Kalbos anglų, rusų
Susipažinsiu su
Pažinties tikslas
Sekso metu mėgstu
  • Narys nuo 06.10.22
  • Profilio peržiūros 11868
  • VIP iki 09.01.25
  • Viešos/privačios nuotraukos 7/5
  • Vieši / privatūs vaizdo įrašai 1/0